
いろいろ調べた中で、タンゲットーというバンドのインタビュー記事(Tango Pulse / Tango Interviews / Tanghetto by Jackie Ling Wong)に有力なヒントがあった。

Q: I noticed in your first album that you have several pieces with social themes. Do you feel that you express your political feelings through your music?
Max: It depends on what song and sometimes it depends on the situation, There was a crisis in Argentina that inspired that sense of “no future” feeling. When there is an economic crisis of such magnitude it’s like everyone there had visions of their future, of what they wanted to be and in one day it all disappeared.
Tanghetto was created at that time when people was trying to escape that situation. The music is instrumental so we tried to express these ideas and to expand the musical language with written words and images.
Q: What was your motivation at that time?
Max: There was a need to explore our roots. After globalization, you don’t know what is yours and what is foreign. When everything collapsed it was the right time to rediscover our roots.

1990年代末よりアルゼンチンでは急速に経済が悪化し、2001年末には民衆の暴動、政権交代、対外債務利払停止(デフォルト)といった状況に陥っている(詳しくは例えば田中宇の国際ニュース解説「アルゼンチンの悲劇」 同「アルゼンチンの悲劇(2)」などをご参照いただきたい)。
[Posted on 2008-11-24]


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